Swallowing Stones Book Review.
Category Archives: Language Arts
The Adventure of A Lifetime
Its been forever since my class has been on a real field trip. I mean three long years. I think it’s time we get away from school but still go somewhere we can learn something. I think that we should go to NASA Space Center in Houston, TX. It can be informative, but still enjoyable at the same time!
I’m going to tell you a little bit about how this trip will be enjoyable. Perhaps, you want to meet an astronaut. Well the Space Center has an meet an astronaut Friday. So you can finally meet one face to face. Next, they have the Space Center Plaza, and there you never know what they have planned. But BEWARE! Sometimes they have live animal shows explaining how they sometimes send animals into orbit. Of course, we can’t forget about the Space Center theater. It’s the largest giant screen theater in TEXAS!! With a towering 5 story tall screen, it’s Amazing.
Now, we move on to the educational part. Now that we made it to the Living Space Program. This program shows what it’s like living in space. It will leave you feeling like you’re really in space. Now, we move on to the Historic Mission Control. Here you get to go in and see where all the missions were controlled in the late 1900’s. Of course, we can’t forget about the ISS briefing ( international space station) where we get an inside look on what happens
I believe that if we go to NASA. not only will we have a good time but our future will be great. NASA will be an enjoyable and educational experience!
What We Should Have Done
What We Should Have Done
Spring Break was full of NOTHING
I wish we could have had more fun.
There was a little playing here and there
but because there was so much rain
everywhere you stepped there was MUD!
Me and my Dad had the most fun.
Bonding, laughing, getting stuck in the mud.
It didn’t matter what we were doing
as long as we were having fun.
Even though Spring Break was full of nothing
we still had…
some… fun!
My Encourager
Most people admire someone special to them. Do you admire someone? Well I know I do. Wanna hear a little bit about why I admire her? Well let me tell ya! I admire Shelby because she loves to help others and is optimistic. I don’t know what I would do without her.
Shelby loves to help others. She has been on a few adventures across the ocean to…Africa. She went on a mission trip with the church. In other words, she went on a trip to help kids and families in Africa. Next,she will go to great lengths to see others smile. If she sees someone down she will do anything to see them smile. She does this because she hates to see people in a bad mood. Finally, she always makes sure other peoples needs are met. Other people will leave it to a missionary to help the homeless but not Shelby. She will give them money out of her own back pocket.
The best way to describe her is optimistic. Somehow she finds a way to always stay smiling, even if shes in a bad mood. Next, she is always happy to see anybody even if they aren’t nice to her. Finally, she love others just the way they are.
Now that you know who I admire and why, I hope you can find who you admire. Having someone that I admire that loves to help others and is optimistic is the best thing I could have ever asked for.
The Night of the Broken Glass
Knots on a counting rope
Memmeroies and Goals
One thing i remember the most from 2013 is when my softball team won 1st place in our league. It was awesome, we finally won 1st. I also remember when I got to spend alot of time with my family, more than I ever have. ”Oh yea, I almost forgot guess what i got for Christmas, I got an ipad mini .” It was awesome I loved it so much. ” Now lets talk about GOALS. 2 NEW goals I set for the year 2014is I want to go to sixth grade really bad because I want to stay with all of my friends. I also want to study hard because of the STAAR test. 1 thing I want to stop is biteing my nails. I am a bad nail biter I bite them all the time. One thing I want to learn how to do is how to not throw side arm in softball. I always throw to the side instead of straight. 4 new books I want to read are Harry Potter, Dairy of a Wimpy Kid Hard Luck, the whole Bible, and Goos Bumps. I hope you enjoyed my story.