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My Favorite Part
This year in fourth grade we are reading a series of novels called Paradise called Texas, and Willow Creek Home. It is about a family who moves from Germany to Texas. Along the way they face many trials. My favorite part was in Willow Creek Home. It was when baby Peter was born. Baby Peter is Mina’s baby brother.Mina is one of the main characters in both books. As soon as baby Peter was born Mina felt left out. At the end Papa (another main character) came in and comforted her and she felt better I recomend that you read this book it’s great.
A Hot Air Balloon
Today I learned about how hot air rises. One thing I learned is that the molecules in the balloon have to spread a part for the balloon to rise. I also learned that the more passengers there are, the more hot air you have to use. Did you know that you can’t steer a hot air balloon? You have to let the wind take you some where. There’s a velcro hole at the top of the balloon that is connected to a rope and when you pull it the hot air leaves the balloon and the balloon sinks to the ground That’s what I learned about a hot air balloon.
The Biggest Best Snowman by Margery Cuyler
There was a little girl whos mom and sisters though she was too small and not old enough to do anything. Then one day she proved them wrong. She went outside and got three of her friends and they built the biggest snowman ever.then her mom and sisters let her help with everything
Opinion and Why
I kinda like this book because it is neat to see how she built it and because it is possible to build something close to it. I recomend that you read this book
I give this book a three out of five stars
Water Conservation
Million of galons of water is being wastedall the time. If we don’t conserve water now we won’t have any water left later. Some people don’t even have clean water because me waste it all. Just because you may not waste water doesn’t mean other people don’t because they do.
First we need to turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth.If you don’t tun off the faucet clean water is being wasted fast.