Its been forever since my class has been on a real field trip. I mean three long years. I think it’s time we get away from school but still go somewhere we can learn something. I think that we should go to NASA Space Center in Houston, TX. It can be informative, but still enjoyable at the same time!
I’m going to tell you a little bit about how this trip will be enjoyable. Perhaps, you want to meet an astronaut. Well the Space Center has an meet an astronaut Friday. So you can finally meet one face to face. Next, they have the Space Center Plaza, and there you never know what they have planned. But BEWARE! Sometimes they have live animal shows explaining how they sometimes send animals into orbit. Of course, we can’t forget about the Space Center theater. It’s the largest giant screen theater in TEXAS!! With a towering 5 story tall screen, it’s Amazing.
Now, we move on to the educational part. Now that we made it to the Living Space Program. This program shows what it’s like living in space. It will leave you feeling like you’re really in space. Now, we move on to the Historic Mission Control. Here you get to go in and see where all the missions were controlled in the late 1900’s. Of course, we can’t forget about the ISS briefing ( international space station) where we get an inside look on what happens
I believe that if we go to NASA. not only will we have a good time but our future will be great. NASA will be an enjoyable and educational experience!