One thing i remember the most from 2013 is when my softball team won 1st place in our league. It was awesome, we finally won 1st. I also remember when I got to spend alot of time with my family, more than I ever have. ”Oh yea, I almost forgot guess what i got for Christmas, I got an ipad mini .” It was awesome I loved it so much. ” Now lets talk about GOALS. 2 NEW goals I set for the year 2014is I want to go to sixth grade really bad because I want to stay with all of my friends. I also want to study hard because of the STAAR test. 1 thing I want to stop is biteing my nails. I am a bad nail biter I bite them all the time. One thing I want to learn how to do is how to not throw side arm in softball. I always throw to the side instead of straight. 4 new books I want to read are Harry Potter, Dairy of a Wimpy Kid Hard Luck, the whole Bible, and Goos Bumps. I hope you enjoyed my story.
I love that you have set goals for yourself. With a little hard work and perseverance you can achieve anything. I will help you in any way I can to achieve them.